Friday, February 26, 2010


Whenever I start a new diet/health program, there are always those people in my life that, for one reason or another and either consciously or subconsciously, will try and put a kink in my plan to get healthy. For years (and I do mean YEARS), I have allowed those people control in my life. Well here we are at yet another new beginning and all the naysayers come out from the woodwork. My husband is the worst about this.

I'll work out hard during the day. I'll be sore and tired and sometimes, I'll just not feel like cooking dinner. So sue me. So I always have some quick healthy choices on hand like sandwiches, fruit, eggs, etc. There are some nights that if I've had a rough day, I consider it a success to sit and just eat a quick tuna sandwich on whole wheat with some strawberries and grapes and call it a "healthy" dinner. My husband refuses to accept this. He wants a MEAL, "a Man's Meal", he says. A freshly cooked, hot meal. Not something re-heated in the oven or microwave. And since I don't have the energy to get up and make meat and potatoes, he wants to take us all out to eat for pizza, Mexican food, whatever is the unhealthy. Hoorrraaaayyyyy. NOT!!!!!!! Sometimes I just wished he cooked. (Note to self- In the afterlife, I want a husband that cooks. Oh wait, I'm sealed to this one for eternity so I guess I'm stuck. Anyways....It's the little things like this where his support would be really nice.

In the past, BEFORE I had my epiphany, I would actually get in the car and give in (give up my power) and go with him out to eat because I didn't want to argue and secretly I guess I just didn't care all that much. Of course, on the way there I would tell my self, there are lots of healthy choices I could make like salads, chicken breast and on and on. But once we got seated at our table and they bring the bread or whatever goodies are served before the meal, I would not have the strength to resist french fries, ranch dressing, grease, steak, butter, salt and the whole lot of it all. So I'd eat. BAD, BAD, BAD. Then I'd feel guilty. Then I'd feel like a failure and then I'd be angry, not only at myself but at him as well. Because I thought that if he "loved" me that he would not put me in harm's way of sabotaging my good sense.

Well, it has already begun. Twice this week he's wanted to eat out. So what can I do? I'll TELL you what I can do. I can call him up on his cell and tell him BEFORE he comes home that I don't feel like cooking, here are his choices and if he doesn't want salad or something quick at home then (on his way home if he wants to eat),he can he just drive by and pick up a salad/chili from Wendy's (a healthy choice). Get Subway. Another healthy choice or pick up whatever his heart fancies.... but if it's fast food and he wants to stuff his face with junk till he's sick, at least I won't have to be an accomplice or be tempted. Then he can drive home AFTER all the drama is over and keep me out of it? I really prefer not to have the temptation. It's just safer that way for me.

Stand your ground Divas. Remove yourself from the danger if you need to but remember, The Big Fat Truth #3 is that you have to look out for #1 first if you're ever going to be around to continue taking care of everyone else. Don't be hard on yourself because you exercised hard and your body is too tired to cook. You can maybe plan ahead and put some freezer meals in the fridge..... but there will still be those days when you just have to say, "Hey, I can't do it all so this is how it is."

1 comment:

  1. I've been in your shoes too many times to count. It was such a breath of fresh air back in November 2008, when I decided to start my weight loss journey, that Chris (my DH) also decided it was time for him to change to. Not every day is a walk in the park (i.e. we still eat out, eat the wrong foods, etc. etc.) but we are doing it together.

    The trick is -- they have to WANT to make the change too. I've learned that you can't MAKE someone want to change their lifestyle. And until they do, you have to find the inner strength to carry on -- sometimes all by yourself.

    Change is a long and difficult process and it happens for each of us in our own time. Your husband will come around. And until then, you have your online support team. :) We were never close when you were out here in SD, but I'm still proud of you. :)


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