Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Lose Half of Me

Hey Divas. I thought it would be a fun exercise to make a list of the top 10 reasons why it would be good, nice, fun, whatever to lose half of me. Then.... on those hard days when we're feeling tired, sore, lazy, self loathing and all those other excuses we use to not get up and do what we KNOW we need to do.... I'll have this nice little list to refer to, which I shall post on my refrigerator door near my scale. Deep breath.... here goes.

1. It will be a good example for my daughter to be healthier.
2. My feet, knees, back and other parts won't hurt as much.
3. My long term health costs will be lower and I will save $$$$.
4. I'll hopefully live a longer, fuller life.
5. It's a lot more fun to play in the game than to sit on the side and watch.
6. I'll fit into smaller places, more comfortably, like planes, movies, bathrooms.
7. I'll be able to reach my unreachable parts and see unseeable parts.
8. Better sex, better sex, more sex...get the idea? LOL
9. Let's face it, shopping, shopping and more shopping.
10.I will become more employable and strangers will treat me differently.

I know some of these are cheezy, but hey the list is actually a lot longer than this, but these were the top 10. Make your list today and refer to it often so that you can always remind yourself of why you are taking this journey.

Have a beautiful day.


  1. Dittos to the whole list (and yeah, really love #8)

  2. What a great idea!! And when you feel your motivation slipping, pull up this list to remind yourself all the reasons why you are doing this. :)

    In response to your #2 - did you know that you lose 4 psi for every pound you lose? That means that 10 pounds down is 40 psi off of your joints!! How's that for motivation? :)

  3. That's awesome Debi. I did not know that but my knees will thank you. :) Thanks


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